Experienced teacher. Connected to Tibetan buddhism since 1978. Skilled in coaching, meditation, teaching, writing, and public speaking. Strong development professional. Has a PhD in ‘Self-regulated learning’ from the University of Nijmegen (1994). Wrote three well-known books about learning and teaching (1994, 1st edition – 2020, 4th edition). Writes since 2013 about buddhism. He wrote a book in 2013 about the Five Wisdoms in Tibetan buddhism for adults (Stralend in de Wereld), and another book about the same topic for students in the age group 16-28 years old (Vijf x Eigen-Wijs, 2017). He also wrote a book about the Tibetan Book of Dead, adjusted to the Dutch situation: ‘On the waves of birth and death (op de golven van geboorte en dood, 2019)’. A third book about friendliness and compassion was published in May 2022. It is called ‘Friendly and Full of Compassion’ (Vriendelijk en vol mededogen). All buddhist books are in Dutch and published by Asoka. Further he wrote some smaller books he did publish himself: the Wheel of Life (het Levensrad), Getting Familiar with Compassion, the Slogans of Atisha (Vertrouwd raken met mededogen, de slogans van Atisha), and Seven Life Lessons from the Tibetan Book of Dead (Zeven levenslessen vanuit het Tibetaanse dodenboek).